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About Me

Shlomit Zwick


Network research expert (Web Intelligence)

With more than fifteen years of experience in

Web search and in-depth investigations

I established the company "Literally Information", with the understanding that locating Information and analyze it, go hand in hand with the need to make decisions

As someone who comes from the world of news and political media, my goal is to enlist the experience and knowledge I have accumulated in order to accurately analyze the findings, so that I can provide strategic and targeted advice according to the unique needs of each client.


My main occupation:

Business Intelligence - 

* Retrieving information from the network and analyzing it for legal and public relations purposes

* Writing comprehensive reports on competing companies and their owners

Web Research - 

*Preparation of initial "client files" for field investigators

* Specialization in "personal files" and exposure of relationships between people

* Locating potential investors for entrepreneurs.


Lecturer at "The Unit - National Unit for Investigation and Security"


Graduate of information science studies at the Technion

Graduate of basics cyber security Ariel University and Cybint college CSPC (Cyber Security Protection Certificate )

Graduate of the Hebrew University

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